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Writer's picture: Ana SatyaAna Satya

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

ARE YOU LOOKING TO KNOW WHAT ARE THE BEST CRYSTALS FOR PROTECTION? If so, you have come to the right place. On this page I'm going to share with you what Crystals are the BEST for protection and why. You will learn about the metaphysical properties of all of these crystals and Stones and how you can use them. I'll also share with you some of the Crystal Healing Kits I created for this purpose. I hope you enjoy the information I share with you and that you find it helpful and informative.

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Ok so let's get to the information you came here for.

Are there any Crystals for protection? and which ones are the BEST?

One of the things I'm most inspired and guided to work with is creating protection crystal healing kits, for the house and to carry with me. There was a time in my life when I was surrounded by so much negative evil energy, it almost cost my life! It deeply affected me emotionally, mentally and made me got physically sick, really sick.

Sometimes getting away from those malicious people is not enough. If you were in a relationship with one as I was, their energy can get trapped inside you. Specially if you shared intimacy with them. Furthermore, you can become a victim of psychic attack. Which is one of the most damaging things you can experience, because you may not even be aware of it. You must feel tired, without energy, morally down, even depress! You just feel like there is a dark cloud over your head, and don't even know how to explain the feeling or understand what is happening to you.

I have personally experience this for over two long years, until by divine grace crystals came into my life and I started working with them. There are many crystals that are wonderful to aid you in protecting yourself, your energy field, your aura and your spirit.

I wear them, I have protection crystal grids and altars in my house and specially I have grid my bed. Because when we're sleeping energetically, in a subconscious way we are more open and vulnerable to psychic attack by other's energies, evil intentions and negative vibration been redirected at us.

Crystals can be of great help and aid to us. You can have them around your house, office or work space (many times a place filled with much negativity from coworkers or even the boss!) Many of you knows already what I'm talking about because you have experience it yourself. Others are just beginning to learn about the wonderful world of crystals and their magnificent healing and metaphysical properties. If you landed in this page, or are looking for crystals for protection, there is a bit chance that everything I'm talking so far, ring a bell to you. 

Ready Made Crystal Healing Kits For You.

This is an example of one of the Protection Crystal Healing Kits available on the website. Click on the image to be taken to that listing to learn more.

I have also created many crystal altars and healing kits using these crystals and stones. Wearing jewelry created with protection crystals is a great way to receive the healing benefits, while protecting your energy field.

The Crystals and Stones below are the BEST to protect ourselves, our space and our homes from unwanted energies.

Here are some of the very best crystals for protection:

  1. Fire Agate

  2. Black Tourmaline

  3. Tourmalinated Quartz

  4. Jet Stone

  5. Black Obsidian

  6. Smokey Quartz

  7. Amethyst

  8. Fluorite

  9. Jasper

Fire Agate: This stone has a powerful vibration that sharpens your desire to take action, even when you're not sure what the best course to take should be. It can help you to feel fully grounded and physically aware, and it quickens the fire in your spirit and makes you aware that being alive feels great! This fiery stone has a protective energy quite unlike most other stones. The vibration of this crystal brings through the flow of spiritual energy... and this flows through your entire being. Its energy resonates within you... firing a spiritual blaze, yet its vibration is quite calming, and brings through feelings of safety and security. This crystal has a powerful energy that aids you if have been working on your spiritual growth, as it aids authentic spiritual practices. This beautiful agate is known for its action to create a powerful shield around the body, that confers psychic protection. Its energy will assist you if you like to work with high crystal energy stones. Fire Agate is unique in that not only does it send negative energy back to where it came from... but it allows the person who sent it to be 'spiritually' aware of the type of harm that they have been doing to you. This crystal may also serve to lighten the amount of fear that you might be feeling when an attack of any sort is happening to you. It has a soothing energy that makes you feel calm, safe and secure. It may be beneficial to keep a piece of this stone on this can help you to feel more relaxed and confident that this will not happen to you. This unusual variety of Agate has a lovely energy that brings through qualities that make you feel that its good to be alive! The vibration of this stone is will assist you as they allow you to feel safe and secure. Fire Agate has a deep connection to the earth and brings strong grounding energy. It calms, bringing security and trust, and support in difficult times. Its protective properties build a shield around the body against ill-wishes, returning the harm back to its source, so the source may understand its effects. Fire Agate provides the motivation required to overcome harmful addictions, lending courage and confidence, and prevents exhaustion that often accompanies such changes. Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one's own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma. Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels. Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at all levels. Fire Agate represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, dispelling fear at the deepest level of the inner being. It links into the collective consciousness of the oneness of life, encouraging quiet contemplation of one's life experiences that lead to spiritual growth and inner stability. Fire Agate aligns the etheric body with the physical, grounding and revitalizing the exchange of spiritual and physical energies within the self. The flow and process of this exchange is energizing to the soul as well as the organism. Fire Agate opens the channels of creativity so Divine inspiration can flow into one's activities and expressions.

Black TourmalineBlack Tourmaline crystal is a powerful stone for protection against negative energy of all kinds... as well as being a strong spiritual grounding stone. This is one of the most popular crystals to be used for metaphysical purposes. Many people, and I am amongst this group... believe this is the best protection stone that you can use. Also known as Schorl, it encourages positive attitudes, good luck and happiness, regardless of the circumstances that you find yourself in. They are wonderful aids to both the professional healer and the average person who wants a stone that will be a positive force for good in your life... as it creates a positive attitude and mindset. Having the vibration of Black Tourmaline stone within your aura for as long as possible each day is to your advantage. They will help you to let go of negativity and self doubts or any feelings of anxiety or negativity of any kind. If it is not possible for you to have them on you during the day, it would be advantageous, to at least have a couple of these stones in the bedroom. Putting one of these crystals under your pillow will cleanse your etheric body while you sleep... as well as the room where you are sleeping. It will strengthen the immune system and assist pain relief of arthritis... and the relief of spinal or muscular problems. The good thing about this stone is that it does not absorb negativity, but changes or alters it or transmutes it into positive energy. This means it improves the vibration of the air where it is located. Keeping it in the bedroom will help you to sleep better and wake more refreshed. It is powerful for healing and for psychic protection and spiritual purposes... and will strengthen the immune system and help allergies. You all have times when you feel negative, or when you encounter other people who are giving off vibrations that are not pleasing to you. Although wearing stones as jewelry is the easiest way to keep a piece of the stone on your body, if this is not possible keep a piece of the stone in the room with you... as this is very helpful. Important note about Black Tourmaline: I know that there are stones that send back the negative energy... but this stone will not do that unless it has inclusions of mica in it. Many people are not aware that normal Black Tourmaline simply changes negative energy to positive energy. But if it also contains mica, it will send bad feelings back to the person who sent it, allowing the sender to realize what has occurred. The best stone to use to send negative energy back to where it came from is Fire Agate, so you may like to combine these together.

Tourmalinated Quartz: Tourmilated Quartz is clear or white quartz which has pieces of Black Tourmaline within it. These quartz crystals have strong metaphysical properties. They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels. The addition of this light into your being makes these powerful healing crystals. This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy. Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones. These stones have a powerful ability to clear your auric field of negativity. When the light that resonates from these crystals surrounds the body... this acts as a powerful protective field of energy, to keep you safe, and shield you from harm. Tourmilated Quartz crystals are powerful healing stones... on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It is also an excellent environmental cleanser as it amplifies the vibration of the Black Tourmaline out into the environment where it is located to transmute any negativity and create positive feelings. As this is such an excellent stone to wear... it is worth looking for jewelry made from this stone. As this stone embodies the energy of both Black Tourmaline and the clear quartz, wearing a Tourmilated Quartz pendant will act as a shield preventing negativity and promoting and amplifying positive energy for increased harmony in your life.

Jet Stone: Jet is commonly used as a stone of protection, yet it also carries some wonderful healing properties, including pain relief for headaches/migraines and enhanced healing of traumatic injuries. Working almost like an energetic filter, Jet is a wonderful grounding stone that has intense purification and protection properties. Jet is known for clearing the aura of impure energies and is an important stone for the medicine bag. Jet can be used to cleanse other crystals by placing them in a bowl with several smaller pieces of Jet.  Jet can also be helpful for those experiencing an overabundance of negative energies or emotions, and has traditionally been used as a stone to alleviate grief. Not only does it draw off negative vibrations, but Jet can help the victim of these vibes to understand their original purpose and the lesson to be learned. Sensitive’s or empaths who suffer from exposure to negativity in the environment should carry a piece of Jet with them while exposed. Jet is a great ally to all on the spiritual path, due to its perfect combination of protective vibrations. Jet can facilitate the release of negative behavior patterns and old emotional attachments, freeing the individual for rapid personal growth. Jet can be used in combination with virtually all other stones for healing purposes. Those suffering from nervousness and hyperactive children may find a calming benefit from Jet, as it integrates higher vibrations into the lower chakras and brings a soothing sense of wholeness to the individual. Also known as a stone of good luck, Jet makes a great gift for the person starting a new job or beginning a new business pursuit. Jet can bring clarity to a confusing situation by bringing unique insights from variant perspectives. Those who are struggling through multiple trials and tribulations will appreciate Jet's supportive energies. Is a base chakra stone and is very grounding.

For anyone working with magic or the elemental forces it is absolutely a required stone as it is very protective. It helps one to draw upon the earth energies and channel this where one desires. It has been in use since ancient times... and myth says that if you find any old jet jewelry take great care... as the ancient stone properties relate to legends that say that it is able to retain the energy and is difficult to remove. This ability to hold ancient memories is what gives it the ability to assist those who wish to use this aspect of its energy. Jet is a stone of sympathy and its calming energy provides support and helps alleviate pain. It is excellent for healing grief... and was traditionally used in mourning jewelry.Medieval healers believed that burning jet was a cure for fevers and all manner of different illnesses. It has been mined since 1400BC and worked pieces of jet have been found in prehistoric burial mounds. In the 16th century jet was used to create rosary beads for monks, as it was told that the gemstone would invoke the favor of God, the Greeks believed that wearing jet would ensure the favor of Gods, and the Pueblo Indians buried the gemstone with their dead, as it was believed it would protect them in the after life.

Black Obsidian: Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. Black Obsidian Stone is also an excellent aid to help you to release any negativity that your day to day life may have caused. This negativity may be present within your auric field and needs to be removed... to aid your ongoing physical, emotional and spiritual health. The black obsidian sharpness is expressed as physical property and used in various tools to cut through matter (blades, arrows, etc). The sharpness of black obsidian is also expressed as a metaphysical property. This powerful stone can help cut through illusions, lies, fearful facades and blockages, etc. The amount of information that black obsidian can reveal and the intensity of this truthful energy can be overwhelming. The perfection of its black colour reveals the darkness that blocks the light in any situation and in any person. This is why the black obsidian is best used with much respect and care, especially the black obsidian spheres. Another facet of the black obsidian identity is its ability to draw in negative energy, thus protecting the wearer or the surroundings in which it is placed. As such, the black obsidian was (and still is) used as protection in various body adornments, jewelry, as well as in many areas of one's home. The powerful alchemical properties of the black obsidian are due to its origin. Obsidian is born out of quickly cooled volcanic lava, so it has the most potent energy of the interaction of several raw and powerful elements - fire, earth and water. In healing, the black obsidian is used to help one become more grounded, focused and clear in all practical matters. It can also help develop razor-like mental abilities and the powers of discernment. Because the black obsidian expresses a clear, detached energy of truth without "taking any sides", it can be very helpful for those who tend to react emotionally to people and events in their life.This stone acts to remove any built up negativity caused by your own or others anger, fear, resentment and even stress... as well as aiding you to remove any negative attachments. These stones may assist you to seal your aura against future problems... and may aid you unfetter yourself from any negative attachments that you may have unintentionally taken into your aura. They are a strong psychic protection stone, and will benefit you by shielding you from all negativity... so they are very helpful stones to keep within your auric field. Their resonance within the base chakra is very strong. They have a strong vibration that aids spiritual grounding, by helping you to move any excess energy down via the earth chakra to Mother Gaia for grounding. It has powerful metaphysical properties that will shield you against negativity, and their energy may stimulate the gift of prophecy.Obsidian is truth-enhancing.  A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity.  It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment.  Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.  It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons.  Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion.  Helps you to know who you truly are.  Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas.  Promotes qualities of compassion and strength. Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone.  It increases self-control.  It forces facing up to one’s true self.  Releases imbalances and negative energies.  Black Obsidian is protective and provides support during change.  It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.  It is an excellent stone to aid past life healing...particularly relating to your ancestral line... and may aid you to deal with issues relating to past misuse of power. If you have come back to this life in order to resolve a past life issue... by placing a piece of the stone on the third eye and asking about this, you may discover the purpose for being here in this life at this time. The vibration of this stone may resonate within the third eye chakra and has a strong vibration to aid the receiving of answers to questions. By asking questions aloud and listening... you may hear the answer whispered back to you. This allows you to ask questions about specific questions around relationships, finances, career choices or health issues... and the answers will help you to make better choices. Because the black obsidian draws in negative energy, be sure to cleanse it regularly, as well as take good care of its physical surroundings. Do not place the black obsidian on the floor or anywhere else where it can get neglected.

Smokey Quartz: Smokey Quartz Crystals are some of the premier grounding and anchoring stones. These stones are strongly protective and are excellent stones for all of us to keep within our aura at all times. If you are a spiritual worker such as a clairvoyant... you may take advantage of this stones ability as a stone of psychic protection, to both protect you from negativity and transmute the energy... by grounding it back down into the earth. In addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz, Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralises negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies. Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams. Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties. It is the perfect stone for grounding the Etheric Layer of the Aura. This makes smoky quartz a great stone for detoxing, clears ambivalence and fortifies resolve. For those dealing with body image issues such as feeling too fat, skinny, short, tall, smoky quartz is for you. Of all the grounding stones, it establishes the most gentle and loving connection with the body.

Because natural Smokey quartz is naturally irradiated... it is a helpful stone for those undergoing radiation treatment to keep close to them. It has the ability to amplify the healing outcomes for those who are receiving these treatments. It offers protection from many types of negativity in the environment. If you are feeling unhappy or are in a bad mood and pick up one of these Smokey Quartz Crystals... you will find your good humor seems to return very quickly. These stones will absorb an enormous amount of negativity from many different sources... so they are particularly good stones to use for psychic-protection. Although these natural crystals may ground most of the negativity that they absorb into the earth chakra... it is still advisable to regularly cleanse the stones you are using... and fortunately cleaning quartz crystals is very easy. Smokey Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy. Smokey Quartz is a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office. One of the benefits of natural Smoky Quartz is that... being a quartz crystal, it has a strong ability to amplify the energy of not only itself... but also any other stones you may combine with it. Use this stone daily, as part of your crystal meditation, and afterwards keep it on your body. Spiritual grounding is a very important part of doing any spiritual work... so this is a very useful and wonderful stone to wear upon your body... especially if you are doing any spiritual work or healing. In addition having one of these stones in the environment is very helpful. If you work on a computer, having one next to it will remove any of the electromagnetic energy that will be created in the room. Just make sure that you regularly cleanse your crystals... especially those which you are using to remove negativity... so that they will remain functioning at their best.

Amethyst: Amethyst is a violet to dark purple stone, which helps develop your psychic abilities. Amethyst is powerful, protective, with a high spiritual vibration and guards against psychic attack. It is a natural tranquilizer and enhances higher states of consciousness. It dispels anger, fear, and anxiety and alleviates sadness and grief. It opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts and helps those seeking spiritual wisdom. It promotes love of the divine. It relieves psychological pain and stress, eases headaches and relieves tension. It helps connect the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, linking them to the spiritual. If you are looking for more spiritual awareness, protection, and connection, amethyst is the stone for you. This is the stone of higher consciousness. A variety of Quartz, it is known as one of the master healers and would be a good choice for anyone with asthma, addictions, headaches, hearing problems, phobias, miscarriage, and menopause or pre-menstrual tension. It promotes restful sleep and is also a good choice for stress and anxiety. An excellent crystal for those suffering from grief. Amethyst ranges in color from pale lilac to deep purple. Amethyst is powerful, protective, with a high spiritual vibration and guards against psychic attack. I use Amethyst every day. It is one of the Essential Eleven stones for any healing collection. It is a natural tranquilizer for cooling down the mind and emotions and alleviating a multitude of physical, mental and emotional imbalances. It is a natural tranquilizer and enhances higher states of consciousness. It dispels anger, fear, and anxiety and alleviates sadness and grief. It opens intuition and enhances psychic gifts and helps those seeking spiritual wisdom. It promotes love of the divine. It relieves psychological pain and stress, eases headaches and relieves tension. It helps connect the physical, mental, and emotional bodies, linking them to the spiritual. If you are looking for more spiritual awareness, protection, and connection, amethyst is the stone for you.

This is the stone of higher consciousness. Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, and became know as the “stone of sobriety”. A natural stress reliever, Amethyst can encourage inner strength. The strong healing energy of Amethyst can transmute lower vibrations to higher frequencies, transforming negative energy to love energy. Overall it is a healer beyond measure for practically everything. Amethyst is particularly well known to treat addictions on all levels and it provides a protective shield around the aura against psychic attack or negativity. Amethyst is known to balance the highs and lows and help one to become more centered even in the midst of grief or loss. One of the very best remedies for insomnia (place on forehead). Improves mental functioning, focus, concentration, decision-making, memory and motivation. Amethyst is powerful, protective, with a high spiritual vibration and guards against psychic attack.

Fluorite: Fluorite is highly protective and is a beneficial crystal to help guard one from picking up negativity or negative energies from those nearby.  It cleanses and stabilizes the aura and is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress. Spiritually, Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies.  It heightens intuitive powers and makes one more aware of higher spiritual realities. Psychologically, Fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and opens the door to the subconscious, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution.  Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps one to see the bigger picture.  This crystal dissolves illusions and reveals the truth.  It can be very helpful when one needs to act impartially and objectively.  Fluorite increases self-confidence, improves physical and mental coordination and counteracts mental disorders. This crystal is an excellent learning aid, increasing concentration.  It helps one to absorb new information and promotes quick thinking.

Emotionally, Fluorite is stabilizing and helps one to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on the body.  In relationships, it teaches the importance of balance. In healing, Fluorite is a powerful healing tool, drawing off negative energies and stress of all kinds.  It cleanses, purifies and dispels anything within the body that is not in perfect order.  Fluorite helps with infections and benefits teeth, cells and bones.  It repairs DNA damage and is powerful against viruses.  Fluorite is beneficial for colds, the flu and sinusitis.  This stone alleviates arthritis, rheumatism and spinal injuries.  Stroked across the body towards the heart, it provides pain relief.  Fluorite rekindles sexual libido.

Fluorite is one of the healing crystals that everyone MUST have.  I literally use it every day in a protective grid at my computer desk, to guard against excess electromagnetic radiation, to keep my work flow and focus in harmony and to heighten my intuitive gifts.  It guards against negativity and unwanted outside influences, psychic manipulation (think the media) and stress of all types. One simply cannot overuse Fluorite or even have too much of it! On the physical level, it is a strong healer for almost everything, but especially bones, joints and teeth;  surgery, injuries like bruises and cuts; colds, flu, viruses; pain relief; heals the skin including shingles; as well as disorders in the stomach and intestines.  Position the Fluorite over the affected area - you can even tape it or bandage it to an area that has a cast or stiches where it can work 24/7. Mentally Fluorite is a strong intellectual and learning crystal, It is extremely organizing for the mind and can be used in cases of ADD and ADHD where the brain is "miswired."  It is a good crystal to use in order to cooordinate the body and mind together.  Emotionally it is stabiling and helps balance mind and emotions. Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation.

 Due to its powerful ability to absorb negative energies, Fluorite should be cleared often.

Jasper: Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy.  It balances yin and yang. Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. Jasper is protective. It can align all the chakras and balance yin yang energies, it is stabilizing and healing. Legend says that Jasper would drive away evil spirits and protect against snake and spider bites. It encourages honesty with one's self.  Provides courage to assertively tackle problems. Aids quick-thinking and promotes organisational abilities.  Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action. It supports during prolonged illness and re-energises the body. When it comes to protection, my favorite is RED JASPER.

Red Jasper: Red Jasper is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone.  It can neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution.  Red Jasper rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy.  Brings problems to light and provides insights into difficult situations.  An excellent “worry bead”, Red Jasper calms the emotions.  Aids in dream recall.  Cleans and stabilizes the aura.  A stone of health, Red Jasper strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory system, blood and liver. A fine protective stone it is often used in defensive magic, as it sends negativity back to the original sender. It is also used during health and healing spells, as well red jasper is worn by young women to promote beauty and grace.

So here you have it, the very BEST protection Crystals available. 

I encourage you to continue your journey to learn more about crystals and welcome them into your life. Because crystal healing truly works.

In Light, Love and Healing

Ana Satya

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